Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Father Says Today April 7th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 6.39.02 PMThe Father says today that I will never say NO to what the cross says YES to! I say to you this day to REJECT the error those who immune My promises with doctrines of unbelief! Every promise of the scripture – finds its YES in Me says the Father. You are IN Me therefore you are IN the promise. My promise is an ecosystem of favor that rests over you like a canopy of love. BREATHE in My faithfulness. Breathe in My faithfulness and breathe out My blessing and My favor. I will never leave you and I will never forsake you and I will NEVER deny you what the cross of Christ has afforded you!

This is your day says the Father. Reject the theology of “what if and maybe.” I say to you and certify by My throne that My plan for you is clearly stated in My word. I would that you be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers. Am I not also the prosperity of your soul? Why would men of letters disdain that blessing that I shed blood to bring to you? They will not shed blood to ratify their unbelief but I shed the blood of the Most Precious to ratify every promise and every blessing and every victory promised to you in My word!

What Others are Saying:

Thanks you so much for your prophetic word. I found it to be encouraging, I eagerly await for this to manifest and I pray that it is sooner rather than later. I am filled with excitement and hope and I am truly blessed even though at the moment I can not see the light through the darkness I know that God is with me at all times.

The Father Says Today April 7th, 2014

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