Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 21st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that your identity with Christ is your secret weapon in every challenge of life. When you struggle with conduct unbecoming a child of God, don’t challenge the behavior call up your identity in Christ. My power and ascendency flow in your life through WHO you are not WHAT YOU DO. I have called you to BE something, not DO something. All change and transformation flows out of your apprehension of WHO I am on the inside of you and WHO you ARE in My kingdom.

You are not a pauper and you are not a victim. Let ALL ANGER GO because anger originates in helplessness and you are anything but helpless. I am your strength and support in every challenge – call up your identity in Christ and do what I would do if I were in your situation. I am not a far off God. I share in your struggle and locate Myself directly in the teeth of the enemy’s greatest assault. I am here says the Father. Fear not. Stand up and shake yourself! Move forward and open your mouth with boldness and entitlement for I am endorsing your every move as you triumph in the character of My kingdom.

The Father Says Today: July 21st, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 20th 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today warriors don’t look for rescue they look for battle. Don’t hold back says the Father. The field of conflict with the enemy of your soul is your natural environment. I have strengthened your spiritual sinews with My power. Your destiny is to win the victory and blow the war trumpet with your foot in the enemy’s neck. We play till you win! There is no retreat and no surrender. You cannot negotiate with the enemy of your soul. You cannot compromise. You are coming away from this struggle with your testimony intact.

This is not just your fight. You are contending for your friends, your loved ones and those dearest to you. Only heaven will know the difference your choice to STAND is making in the hearts and lives of your loved ones. Be strong and be of a good courage. The outcome was assured even before you realized that a battle was on! The angel couriers are on their way to you with the battle plan. Let your declarations be unambiguous and your prayers be audacious in the face of your adversary. This day I have laden a table spread with every good thing for you in the presence of your enemy. You will not be defeated. You will not be turned back. You will not fail for that is not My nature therefore it is not your portion.

The Father Says Today: July 20th 2014

Morning Light - July 18th, 2014: Igniting the Seven Spirits of God in Your Life (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Five (Conclusion)] Igniting the Seven Spirits of God in Your Life. God instructs Moses regarding the Lampstand for the Holy Place. You are the Holy Place of God. God places His seven spirits within you to empower you and illuminate your life with His glory.

Morning Light - July 18th, 2014: Igniting the Seven Spirits of God in Your Life (Video)

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 19th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today you are so much more powerful than you know. I have placed eternity in your heart as an irreducible resource for every challenge. Spend the glory I have invested in you today. Spend it lavishly upon your highest heart’s desires. Revel in the luxury of My love this day. I have not loved you with an anemic, ascetic love says the Father. I have lavished you with the luxury of My love in full measure. I have loved you with heaven’s fullest portion. I have entitled you as My beloved to enjoy every good thing in My kingdom. There is no lack in heaven therefore there is no lack upon the earth as you reach into My bounty you will know it as your most basic privilege.

So say to yourself and make declaration within your heart, “I am the beloved. I am the entitled child of a loving Father”. Know that it is the Father in you that “doeth the work”. This isn’t about some convoluted, confusing mental gymnastics. My blessing is coming upon you and overtaking you. I am lying in wait to ambush you with My goodness. Set your attention upon My goodness for you ARE where your ATTENTION takes you. Refuse to be distracted from My love this day. Refuse fear or worry our doubt. I am your ALL in ALL and I am showing up in your life today in a big way.

The Father Says Today: July 19th, 2014

Morning Light - July 16th, 2014: Who is Your Covering? (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Five (Continued)] Who is Your Covering? God’s instructs Moses concerning the Mercy Seat. The word for Mercy Seat is Kaphoret (Covering). Who is your covering? There is much misunderstanding about this idea of covering in the bible and it has been used to dominate women and subordinate congregations to dictatorial leaders. In the construction of the ark of the covenant the LID (kaphoret/covering) was a covering of mercy and not manipulative control.

Morning Light - July 16th, 2014: Who is Your Covering? (Video)

Morning Light - July 17th, 2014 (made with Spreaker) (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Five (Continued)] The Bread of His Presence! Moses is instructed regarding the articles in the Holy Place. The table of “shewbread” is literally “the bread of His face”. When Jesus spoke of daily bread He was speaking of the Bread of God’s Presence. God’s glory and power is available to you in supernatural intensity every day!

Morning Light - July 17th, 2014 (made with Spreaker) (Video)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today there are no limitations on your faith therefore there are no limitations upon you. The boundaries that you define yourself by are not accurate to your potential. My potential is unlimited therefore your potential is unlimited. Do not look at your age or your gender. Do not limit yourself by your bankbook or your station in life. How far do you want to go says the Father? What do you want to accomplish? What is the burning desire of your heart? Did I not put that desire there? What are you waiting for? Act now! My kingdom doesn’t come with observation. You must be a participator in fact you are called not to be a bystander to My purposes but a participator in My glory.

It is a new day says the Father. Open you eyes. Command your eyes to see. Command your ears to hear. My sound is going out into the earth and it is creating and reshaping and molding your life to new purpose. Are you ready? Look not at the things that are seen because the things that are seen are temporary and subject to change. I dwell in the hidden man of your own human heart. I am releasing eternity into your time and space for new purpose and greater destiny. Do not take no for an answer. Jettison the wrong idea and the bad counsel you have received from the illegitimate authorities in your life who never had My mind for you in the first place. Shake yourself! Shake yourself and rejoice for the NEW DAY of promise is upon you.

The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2014

morning-lightx170The Father says today let your heart be captivated by My love. Let your eye be drawn to the glory by which I indwell and empower you this day. Look away from the mundane and the common things of life and be captivated by My glory that overshadows you like a nuptial covering of grace and mercy and power. Be caught up this day in My presence. In My presence is liberty and release from every distraction of men. Man has no claim to your life, Beloved for you are bought with a price far more precious than any other. It is My plan and My purpose which shall prevail in your life unto the fulfillment of every promise!

So lay hold on the promise and release every false burden. The heavy load you have carried has no place in your life. I release you from the illegitimate burdens of man’s making. Let it go. Put it down. Be relieved of the self-imposed responsibilities for the choices of others. Your responsibility is fully encompassed in the assignment to simply BE THE BELOVED. Do you understand this says the Father? What if the only expectation I have upon you is the expectation to BE MY BELOVED and KNOW the completeness of MY GOODNESS and GRACE and BLESSING and FAVOR? Every other burden is the imposition of illegitimate authority from which I free you even this day.

The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 16th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today do not relinquish your mindset to the enemy. I have released and imparted to you the mindset of the kingdom. The mindset of the kingdom is RULE and not subjugation. Purpose this day to win the battle for your mindset until the enemy begins to worry about the look of triumph on your face. I have infused your human spirit with the DNA of My person. You are of ROYAL blood says the Father. You are redeemed with the blood of the only begotten – you will not lose a single day, a single moment, not one split second of the enemy’s strategy will be effective against you.

You are called to rule, you are destined to rule. Relinquish all sense of helplessness or victimization. You are not a victim you are a victor. You are victorious against every assault of the wicked one. Have I not taught your fingers to fight and your hands to make war? Let the war taunts of your faith echo to the camp of the deceiver. I am about to expose his lies and reveal to you the bedrock of blessing that I have undergirded your life with. Rejoice says the Father and know that I am the FAITHFUL ONE and you will  drink the vintage of My blessing in your life even in this season.

The Father Says Today: July 16th, 2014

Morning Light - July 15th, 2014: God's Mercy Brings God's Glory (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Five (Continued)] God’s Mercy Brings God’s Glory. God reveals a pattern for us to align ourselves to in His kingdom. He gives us an invitation to engage with His purposes and connect with Him in Kingdom Assignments. The result of this brings destiny, purpose and blessing into our lives. Do you know God’s PERSONAL Pattern for your life? In Exodus 25 we see a pattern reveals that secures and blesses the children of God through the wilderness experience all the way to the promised land.

Morning Light - July 15th, 2014: God's Mercy Brings God's Glory (Video)

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 15th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that your warfare is at an end. Your warfare is at an end for it was settled 2000 years ago upon the cross. You need not put forth one bit of effort to appropriate BY FAITH the full measure of the provisions of the cross. This is not the viewpoint of religious thinking but it is the reality of who I am in your life. You see says the Father the cross was the battle, everything else is just mopping up.

What part of the work of the cross requires your help to make an impact in your life? Is there any human effort you can add to the work of the cross to make your breakthrough a reality? Your efforts are not required. Enter into the rest of the finished work says the Father!

So this day say within your heart “the works were done before the foundation of the world…” Say within your heart “this day I enter into the finished work!” You will not be left out says the Father. You will not come behind on a single score. There is no lack for out of the work of the cross came a stream of abundant living that even now is vectoring in on your life. Open your heart wide and be a receiver today of My bounty. You will taste of the substance of My faithfulness. You will eat the sweet and drink of My fullness even this day!

The Father Says Today: July 15th, 2014

Morning Light - January 14th, 2014: God's Personal Pattern for Your Life (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Five] God reveals a pattern for us to align ourselves to in His kingdom. He gives us an invitation to engage with His purposes and connect with Him in Kingdom Assignments. The result of this brings destiny, purpose and blessing into our lives. Do you know God’s PERSONAL Pattern for your life? In Exodus 25 we see a pattern reveals that secures and blesses the children of God through the wilderness experience all the way to the promised land.

Morning Light - January 14th, 2014: God's Personal Pattern for Your Life (Video)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 14th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says My rest is the high place in your life. You will win more battles resting in Christ than exercising faith. Faith is a gift reflected in your works not the other way around. Exerting faith is a religious misconception. Faith simply IS and WILL simply produce of itself. Faith is like a seed that when planted the life is in itself to spring up and become harvest for your every need.

You are a tree planted by the waters of My Spirit says the Lord. Put roots down and rest in My supply. Trees do not stress and strain in order to produce after their own kind. They simply lift their boughs up to the sun and sink their roots into the earth and fruit is the result. Be rooted in My love today. Be rooted in your understanding of My fidelity to BE all that I promised you I would be and to DO all that I promised you I would do. I am not a man that can lie Beloved, My word fails not. Your time of harvest is now and your blessing is at hand.

The Father Says Today: July 14th, 2014

Morning Light - July 11th, 2014: With God on the Mountain! (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Four] With God on the Mountain! The Cloud of God’s Presence is available to you today as it was centuries ago. In this chapter, Moses and the elders of Israel approach the mountain of God and make sacrifice. They see “the God of the Israel” in His raw glory and are invited to sit, eat and drink in his presence.

Morning Light - July 11th, 2014: With God on the Mountain! (Video)

Morning Light - July 10th, 2014: The Angels of His Presence! (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Three] The Angel of His Presence. As the Angel of the Lord went before the Israelites so the Angel of God’s Presence goes before you. In this chapter God instructs Moses and the people regarding how to conduct their lives in light of the reality of angelic activity around them.

Morning Light - July 10th, 2014: The Angels of His Presence! (Video)

Morning Light - July 9th, 2014: The Political Sovereignty of God (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Two (Continued)] The Political Sovereignty of God. When a thief is discovered the owner is required to bring the loss to the judge. If we accept loss and the encroachment of the enemy we STAY the hand of GOD. The nation of Israel was warned not to molest the immigrant, or the widow, the prisoner or the orphan. What are the consequences on our nation if our policies abuse those God’s word commands us to protect?

Morning Light - July 9th, 2014: The Political Sovereignty of God (Video)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today let your voice be raised in the ancient “Hallel” today. From antiquity the Hallel has always been My habitation says the Father. What house will you build Me? Indeed build Me a house of Hallel that will resound in the chambers of hell and strike fear in the ranks of the dark one. I inhabit the Hallel and in your upraised voice will come the inauguration of change, breakthrough and transition from where your feet have tread to the high ground I have afforded you by My grace.

King David of old understood that the Hallel invoked My Warring Presence and his enemies were defeated at the table I prepared for My sweet psalmist in the presence of His enemies. Break forth into song this day. Let the new song be in your mouth. Let it be a song that extols what you expect by My hand. Sing the song of the “NOW” for NOW is the only frame of reference for doing what you have cried out to Me to do. Sing hymns and spiritual songs and My presence will be made manifest and completely deconstruct the boundaries and borders the enemy has set against you.

The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2014

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Friday, July 11, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that joy is more powerful than any stress. Your stamina arises from that place where I sit enthroned in your inner being. You were crafted and designed on the drafting table of heaven to draw upon My irreducible energies. When you are tired and taxed in your strength draw upon the deep aquifers of My Spirit for your refreshing. I cannot be depleted therefore you cannot be depleted. I cannot be diminished therefore you cannot be diminished!

Press in to My Spirit this day and allow Me to envelope and invigorate you for the tasks ahead. You think you are busy but you are not. You think you are at the dregs of your reserves but you are not. You are about to break out into a new level of life, and activity and effectiveness. You don’t think you are a mere human do you? You are not a mere human – you are a new creation, a new species altogether. You are bought with a price and redeemed from the curse of fatigue and depletion. Rise up into your New Creation identity this day says the Father for it is your substance and your mantle of power that I have provided you to overcome every challenge.

The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 11th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today tap into the composure afforded you in Christ. The real you is never stressed out or extended beyond your measure. The real you is at one with Me. The real you is seated with Christ in heavenly places. The real you cannot be discouraged, defeated, dismayed or frightened in any way. I am THE rock therefore you are a rock. I am immovable therefore you are immovable. I am with you says the Father, fear not neither be dismayed.

Put on the FULLNESS of CHRIST today. Say within your heart “I shall ascend in worship and descend in warfare.” Open your heart, spread the wings of your spirit and wend you way to the throne. The entitlements of the cross await you. The signet ring of My authority is available. The robe of righteousness. The staff of My strength. All hell trembles at the thought of one believer possessing their possession and walking in all that heaven affords. Be THAT believer this day says the Father. Accept My favor and know it as that which the blood that was shed affords you in this life.

The Father Says Today: July 11th, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today trust Me. Let Me take things from here. Let Me move you from where you are in the situation to where I am – even in My throne. Yield your heart to Me beloved and I will teach you the easy yoke and show you the burden light. Allow Me even this day to cause you to be one with Me and know My rest and the ease by which I effortlessly bring breakthrough and change even in those things that you have cried and petitioned Me for in times past.

Don’t give up says the Father. Things are not tracking downward and the future is not bleak. The future is not bleak says the Father for I am standing in your future laughing at the plans of the enemy. He will not prevail. You are the recipient of My goodness this day. Can you hear the sound of heaven touching earth, even YOUR earth? All of heaven directs the resonance of My name upon you and in your behalf. Heaven is touching earth Beloved. My name is coming through for you this day!

The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2014

Morning Light - July 8th, 2014: Receive the Double Portion! (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-Two] Expose the enemy, receive the double portion. Laws concerning trespass. When you identify the thief you will receive full restoration of all that is lost. In this chapter we see the clear promise of God to restore all that the enemy of your soul has taken ONCE he is exposed. A powerful teaching on how to expose the enemy and reclaim the spoil and the blessing of God over your life.

Morning Light - July 8th, 2014: Receive the Double Portion! (Video)

Morning Light - July 7th, 2014: Free from the Law! (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-One (Continued) Are we subject to the Law of Moses today? Laws concerning manslaughter covered. Cities of refuge established. Consequences of mistreatment of parents. Laws concerning abuse of servants / employees. The higher law than “eye for an eye” established by Christ.

Morning Light - July 7th, 2014: Free from the Law! (Video)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 9th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that I am teaching you laugh with the laugh that I laugh with. When I laugh says the Father the mountains and the hills do melt like wax and mountains of adversity become as a level plain. When I laugh it rains in the dry places and the desert blooms with new life. Even as the psalmist said: “he that sits in the heaven’s shall laugh…” even so I have seated you in heavenly places that I might show you the affairs of your life from My perspective, even from the perspective of ruling and reigning!

Do not allow any thing, or person, or circumstance to take from you a “ruling and reigning” mentality. Laugh says the Father! Laugh when you want to cry. Laugh when your heart trembles and aches. Find within yourself that time and that moment when laughter becomes warfare and crushes the enemy of your soul. Despair is not your portion. I don’t put My attention on depression, or loss or sickness or poverty, neither should you. I dismiss them with one wave of My hand over your life. Refuse to put your attention on the works of darkness for that is not your lot in life says the Father. Look to My heart even now as I open My hand and release into your situation the full deliverance and restoration of all that the enemy would steal!

The Father Says Today: July 9th, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 8th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that pressure is not your enemy. There is a pressure by which you enter the kingdom and thereby break out into the full manifestation of your destiny. I know it isn’t comfortable. The natural man always chooses to move away from pressure but I say to you rise up and shake yourself moving IN to the pressure that is pressing on you in this season. Do not allow the enemy to deny you access to the field of victory by lying to you that he is author of the challenge in your life. I am your source and your resource says the Father and I will cause you this very day to mount up with wings as an eagle and take on every obstacle with ease and victory.

You are a partaker of My nature says the Father and My basic nature is one of RULE and LORDSHIP. When I am on the inside of you – you thereby OUTRANK every principality and power that may be ranged against you at any given moment. You will not fail because failure is not in My nature. My nature is the very nature I have imbued you with by the sacrifice of the cross. I have given you more than life – I have given you resurrection life. The abundant life I’ve placed within you conquers the grave – what other, lesser challenge could possibly stand before you. Open your mouth wide says the Father. Let your faith find wings and utter its voice in your life. Change will come. Transformation will take place and you will never be the same.

The Father Says Today: July 8th, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 7th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that all My promises are yes in the Son. Even as you are in Christ and Christ is in you – therefore you live in the atmosphere of My permissiveness. You don’t have to overcome My reluctance to move in your life for I have none. The death of the cross is My affirmative expression of My willingness to bless and love and unconditionally engage Myself with you in answer to your needs, and desires and dreams. Do you realize that I am the artist painting My your life in the pigments of My purpose? What I permit no one can prevent. The allowances and concessions of My beneficence are hallowed ground says the Father.

All things are possible to that one that believes My beloved. Do you believe? Are you prepared for relationship to the God who loves you no strings attached? My love in your life does not need the safeguards of religious thinking lest you crave something from My treasuries contrary to My plan. When you see Me you will be like Me and in that transformative moment you will come to trust the substance of My character in your life. Then is the moment of change. Then that which is contrary to My nature becomes spontaneously abhorrent to your soul and you will only will what I will. In that moment beloved, mortality puts on the eternal and you become ambassadors of My kingdom.

The Father Says Today: July 7th, 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today My template for your life is “as it is in heaven – so in earth”! There is no cancer in heaven so don’t allow it in your life. There is no poverty in heaven, therefore refuse poverty – it is not your portion or your lot in life. My name is Jehovah Your Healer. I am Jehovah Your Provider. I am your peace, your substance and your promise. I AM YOUR PROMISE says the Father and I assure you I CANNOT BE BROKEN.

If answering the crying of your heart requires it says the Father I will bankrupt all of heaven and all of earth to see you through to victory. So know this – the outcome is assured. Regardless of what it looks like in the natural. Things that are seen are temporary and changeable. My faithfulness is unswerving and unalterable. So be at ease and rest in My fidelity over your life. My favor will find you and in that moment even your enemies will make peace with you because My blessing in your life will be an undeniable truth!

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today I have given you keys to bind and loose. Quit fooling around! Open your mouth, put your foot in the enemy’s neck and begin TODAY to rule and reign in your earth. Ruling and reigning in the earth does not require that you go by way of the grave. I have given you dominion NOW in the earth. I have mandated the angel-assistants of your life to see that the earth is subdued at your feet. You have nothing to apologize for. There is nothing humble about being defeated. You are who I say you are. True humility is rising up in the stature of the fulness of Christ with the knowledge that there is nothing but My unconditional love backing up your assertions.

Religious minds will never understand anything outside the veil of unbelief. Reject all such thinking. Step up today says the Father. Shake yourself from the lethargy of despair and move forward into your entitlements in Christ. I have placed you in your life like I put Adam and Eve in the garden. You are mandated to be a tender and a keeper of the jurisdiction of your own life. I have secured your borders and boundaries. I have placed My word at your disposal – let it be the sword in your mouth TODAY to put down all rule and all assertions of the adversary that would shape your life contrary to My promise!

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 4th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that nothing in your life happens by chance. There is nothing random or happenstance in your day. Listen to My voice, pay attention and pray to interpret. In a moment’s notice I will whisk past you in a supernatural manifestation. I am the wind in your face and the presence at your back. I am here in My Lordship and here in My fullness. I go before you, and walk beside you and I’ve got your back. You need not concern yourself with the enemy that peeps and mutters and plans. I have plans for your adversary to occupy him elsewhere while I usher you in to My best.

I have designed an upgraded track for you to get to fullness in Christ. Every moment, every hour, every season is hand crafted by My design to produce the full measure of the stature of Christ in your life. As I am in the heavens so are you on the earth. The enemy trembles at your potential as I breathe of My substance into your being and cause you to become all that I died for you to be. So rejoice and fear not. Refuse to yield to insecurity or hesitation. There are things beginning and things coming to an end and through it all My love resonates and propels you forward into your destined purpose.

The Father Says Today: July 4th, 2014

Morning Light - July 3rd, 2014: Kingdom Perspective on Women's Rights (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty-One] Bondservants of Christ. Moses presents laws relating to slavery. The introduction of equitable treatment of women, a completely novel concept in ancient times. A discussion of mysoginistic attitudes in the church regarding submission of women and their status in the church. The difference between laws, judgments and statutes. First reference to cities of refuge. Standards of responsibility for our actions and those of others.

Morning Light - July 3rd, 2014: Kingdom Perspective on Women's Rights (Video)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 3rd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today let your meditation and your expectation be upon your successes and not your failures. You are where your attention takes you. There is no need to immerse yourself in what you “should have done” or “could have done”. I am the God not only of your tomorrows but the God of your yesterdays. I will take your greatest blunder and turn it into an accomplishment beyond your highest expectations. Time is not linear to Me says the Father. I created time and I move backward and forward on the slide rule of eternity. I will bring you beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for the regrets of the past.

So Beloved, shake yourself from regret and sorrow over things gone by. Let it go. Forgive yourself. Release yourself. Bless yourself. You cannot bless others until you bless yourself. You cannot love others until you love yourself – unconditionally as I love you. Godly self-love is not narcissism. Godly love toward yourself is humility in expression as you accept in silence the fact that you are My beloved and I will not allow anyone or anything by any means to hurt you or harm you in anyway. Rejoice beloved. Rejoice and BEGIN AGAIN!

The Father Says Today: July 3rd, 2014

Morning Light - July 2nd, 2014: Seventh Day Glory (Video)

morning-lightx170Today:[Exodus Chapter Twenty] Seventh Day Glory: The “Seventh Day” or “Sabbath Rest” mandated in the Old Covenant is a foreshadowing of a massive shift in the seventh millennia of man’s time on earth (which we are in today.) Also in this chapter: the unconditional blessing of God – even in Old Testament times God blessed and benefited Israel outside the requirements of the law. In the New Testament the Ten Commandments become the Ten Promises because of the transforming grace of God. What about “Generational Sins” or “Generational Curses”? What does it really mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? Should we keep the Sabbath today? Are we wrong to worship on Sunday? What is the meaning for us of the Sabbath of God?

Morning Light - July 2nd, 2014: Seventh Day Glory (Video)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 2nd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today spend your faith on your dreams. Spend your faith on your aspirations and expectations. Faith IS substance. It is the substance of things HOPED for not the things you are panicking over. Faith is not about panic, or survival or just getting by. All the faith in the kingdom will not work for merely surviving and barely eeking out your existence. Faith closes the gap between where you are and your highest heart’s desire. Faith brings the distant hopes and impossible dreams as close as the breath of your own body.

I have no problem with achievement, ambition or provision says the Father. Ambition is not a dirty word in the kingdom. I am funding your dreams and funding your aspirations and financing your plans. If you can’t believe Me for the money then you aren’t ready for what I want you to have. Yes it is true that your ideas and plans need adjusting and even total re-evaluation but I’ve never had difficulty causing My voice to be heard or in bringing necessary correction. So lose the hesitation and worry and insecurity. I am your strength and your shield and your exceeding great reward. You and I together THIS DAY are moving toward the high ground of My purposes for your life.

The Father Says Today: July 2nd, 2014

Morning Light - July 1st, 2014: Third Day Glory (Video)

morning-lightx170Today: [Exodus Chapter Nineteen] Third Day Glory: From Visitation to Habitation. God carries us on eagle’s wings. Do eagles actually carry their young on their wings? The provisional and conditional words of God. All God’s people seen as priests. Proper response to the words of God in the prophetic. God appears in a cloud. Do “theophanies” occur today? What is the significance of the “Third Day” in the bible. Are we in a Third day? Does God “visit us” today or does He want something more? Can we “work up” a spiritual visitation or is it strictly a matter of God’s sovereignty?

Morning Light - July 1st, 2014: Third Day Glory (Video)

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for July 2014 (Video)

Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 5.59.06 PM2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for July 2014 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny.

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for July 2014 (Video)