Friday, July 4, 2014

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today I have given you keys to bind and loose. Quit fooling around! Open your mouth, put your foot in the enemy’s neck and begin TODAY to rule and reign in your earth. Ruling and reigning in the earth does not require that you go by way of the grave. I have given you dominion NOW in the earth. I have mandated the angel-assistants of your life to see that the earth is subdued at your feet. You have nothing to apologize for. There is nothing humble about being defeated. You are who I say you are. True humility is rising up in the stature of the fulness of Christ with the knowledge that there is nothing but My unconditional love backing up your assertions.

Religious minds will never understand anything outside the veil of unbelief. Reject all such thinking. Step up today says the Father. Shake yourself from the lethargy of despair and move forward into your entitlements in Christ. I have placed you in your life like I put Adam and Eve in the garden. You are mandated to be a tender and a keeper of the jurisdiction of your own life. I have secured your borders and boundaries. I have placed My word at your disposal – let it be the sword in your mouth TODAY to put down all rule and all assertions of the adversary that would shape your life contrary to My promise!

The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2014

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