Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today I have placed in you by My Spirit a character and a personality that is not content to sit on the sidelines in any area of life. You are one that finds scant joy in being a mere observer. I have made you to be one that that finds it difficult to sit still and you are easily bored with dead religious folly. When it comes to the things of My kingdom you have heard all the stories but you want merely not to hear but to walk in signs, miracles and wonders. You will not be disappointed says the Father for I call you this day PARTICIPATOR and FIRST PARTAKER.

I hear the cry of your heart. I will thrust you to the cutting edge of My purposes. You will be about My business, I will use you and utilize you and release in you My glory. You have the mantle of My purpose in your life. My blessing upon you is about bringing exponential increase in every area of need. Make it your determination not to play it safe and not to be afraid. I will make sure that you’ve heard my voice and as you hear my voice and I will cause you like Peter to get out of the boat and walk on the water and gain a testimony of glory that has been the cry of your heart for so long.

The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2014

The Breakthrough Prophetic Word for December 2014

2 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for December 2014 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 30th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today Beloved do not be discouraged! Do not be cast down for My determination over you is that you overcome and see of the travail of your soul. The enemy will exhaust himself in vanity to detract from your life or to harm you in any way. The angel assigned to you always beholds My face. He will drag the enemy in chains from your life kicking and screaming. I am turning the clock back and undoing circumstances you thought would keep you from moving forward in My promise. I am with you and I will never leave you and I will never for sake you. This is the character of your life in your walk with Me! Abandon yourself joyfully to My promises and put My plan first and I will to launch you into exploit after exploit that you might know the greatness of My fidelity toward you and the fullness of My blessing in your life.

The Father Says Today: November 30th, 2014

Morning Light - November 28th, 2014: The Continual Sacrifice (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Eight] Partaking of the Continual Sacrifice. In this passage the instructions are given regarding the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly sacrifices connected with consecration and forgiveness of sins. The morning sacrifice was performed with a specific orientation to the rising sun and the tribe of Judah. The entire encampment was a proclamation of the gospel in type and shadow.

Morning Light - November 26th, 2014: The Appointment of Joshua (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Seven] The Appointment of Joshua. In this chapter Moses is informed that he will not enter Canaan land because of his disobedience in Zin. He went all through the wilderness for forty years and in one outburst cost himself the fulfillment of going into the land of promise. His last act was to settle a land allocation matter regarding a man who had several daughters but no son to pass his inheritance to. Again the bible uncharacteristic of ancient times, defends the rights of women. Joshua is chosen by God to be Moses successor and Moses lays his hands upon Joshua before the people to designate Joshua’s new leadership role.

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 29th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that relationship estrangements are coming to an end. Make the first move. Love freely. Lavish your love on the angry and the bitter. Pour out your kindness upon those who refuse to let the past be the past. Forgive. Release, Bless. I will show up in the situation says the Father. I am kneading their hearts with the My hands even now. Allow My mind and My heart to be your mind and your heart in this season. It is time to break the bars of iron and the gates of brass that others have surrounded you with in their cruelty and pettiness.

It is a new day today says the Father. A day of ascension. Humility. Love. Kindness. Gentleness. This is your arsenal of breakthrough. The seeds will be sown. The tender shoots will be watered. The blossom, bud and fruit will come forth and you will bring redemptive breakthrough even to generations to come for there the contamination of lovelessness is being broken and you are the first fruits of that new day and new time. Be strong. Be of a good courage. Make the first move, expecting nothing. Let your testimony be “I love you no strings attached”. Let your resolve be “I’m going to love you and there is nothing you can do about it”. Love never fails Beloved. Never step out of love. Move toward them in love and see love’s dividend manifest in healing, restoration and liberty.

The Father Says Today: November 29th, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that I am not willing for you to live without joy – without fullness of joy. Beyond all efforts to put a positive spin on negative circumstances know this says the Father: You will not have to talk yourself into highest heart’s desire or greatest dream fulfilled. My determinate will for your life is joy and joy unspeakable filled with My glory, filled with the outraying of the divine. Trust Me says the Father for there is no obstacle or circumstance or person in your life that will be able to spoil the full bandwidth of joy and liberty and freedom that I have accorded to you says the Father.

So fret not over the unimportant demands of the urgent and critical for there is no emergency says the Father. I am on task and on the scene and there is nothing in your life that takes Me by surprise. Trust Me says the Father. Rest in My watchcare over your life. It is a new day and a new time to become aware and cognizant of the whole and complete plan of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled in your life. This is My purpose says the Father. This is the pathway through which My character is changing and shaping and transforming you into My image. You get to have it all says the Father for that is who I am and what I do and in the midst of the process My kingdom will come and all that you have cried out for will be made manifest in your now.

The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that there is no GPS coordinate for where I purpose to take you and the geography of blessing I have set aside for you in this season. You aren’t going to be able to think your way into My plan says the Father. I didn’t say in My word that you would go out with intellect or be led forth with rationale. On the contrary says the Father you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. My joy in your heart establishes the direction and My peace establishes the timing. The time is now says the Father – the time is now.

You are ordained to be a first partaker and a participator in the full bandwidth of joy and favor that is accorded all those who put their trust in Me. The entering in comes in steps of faith and expectation and hope – no coping strategies, no half measures. Go first class all the way and know that I will lavish My love on you and cause you to luxuriate in My affection. Be immersed says the Father in My fondness. Accept My unconditional love. Expect the sweet surprises and the kiss of heaven that makes every day a testimony and an expression of My kindness and everlasting mercy.

The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 26th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that I am a debt cancelling God. Just as you have received the double for your sins I will cover even financial mistakes you have made and areas where you now realize you should have used more wisdom. You have heard it said that I will not help My children out of troubles that they get themselves into through bad choices. This is a lie. You cannot earn My love or My providence. I move in your life through unconditional mercy and that mercy is renewed every morning. I love you because I love you and I will never stop loving you. Love never fails and as you move into My love and receive My love you enter the fail-safe territory of My unconditional favor.

I am not a capricious God neither am I a petty God who delights in tormenting you over your errors and sins. Forgive yourself for I have forgiven you. Receive by faith the rolling back of the situation and circumstance and do not allow yourself to be ensnared again with the yoke of bondage. I know this is not what you have heard taught but make it your choice to be a Father-pleaser and reject the illegitimate authority of religious condemnation. I love you says the Father with a boundless love without restriction or condition. Allow Me to guard you and guide you and lead you to a new place and a new beginning where the mistakes of the past will no longer rob you and the lessons learned will give you new hope and new possibility.

The Father Says Today: November 26th, 2014

Morning Light - November 25th, 2014: Are You Able to Go to War? (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Six] Are You Able to Go to War? In this chapter God instructs Moses to tally the number of able bodied men. It was necessary to know how many after a time of plague that could go to war. The men had to be a certain age and it had to be known what tribe they were of. This speaks of maturity and placement. God wants you to know your tribe in the kingdom. He wants to bring you as Eph. 4:11,12 says to the maturity of Christ – because there is a conquest ordained to take the territory of the enemy and establish the kingdom.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that opinions are toxic to faith. Opinions arise from rationale and sense knowledge. Faith flows from intuition and revelation knowledge through My word and My voice that is resonant on the inside of you. Make a choice today not to dabble in opinion but trust in My heart that flows down to you through the oil of My Spirit to refresh and renew and guide you in all things. Do not stumble says the Father. Bend your ear low to hear My voice in the silence between your own thoughts. There is no misdirection that can originate in that dwelling place within you where I take up My habitation.

Break the bars and locked gates of opinions. Challenge your opinions with the objective truths of My word and the righteous judgments of My throne. I have adjudicated you and found you just as if you had never transgressed. Receive the cleansing says the Father and wash yourself therefore in the potential of one to whom all things are possible because you choose to hearken to My voice and not the limiting thoughts of your own sense ruled mind or the judgments of others who never looked at you in the light of redemption. This is your day of freedom and authorization to be full of joy, full of power and full of witness for I will never leave you, nor forsake you nor allow anyone or anything to harm you in any way says your Father!

The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2014

Morning Light - November 24th, 2014: Trusting God in the Thorny Place (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Five] Trusting God in the Thorny Place. In this chapter the people of God encamp in a place filled with thorn trees oozing out sticky gum. It speaks of the thorny and difficult places we find ourselves in at times. In this case the people fall into idolatry with a false god whose name means “dominative father”. Are you following a dominative, dictatorial leader who panders to your insecurities and weaknesses? This is a common temptation but in this chapter we see a stark contrast to the kind of leadership God would rather choose for you in these difficult times.

Morning Light - November 21st, 2014: True Prophets Acting Falsely (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Four] True Prophets Acting Falsely. Do you think you know a false prophet? Or perhaps in truth you simply saw a true prophet acting falsely! In this chapter we find the continued efforts of Balaam to curse God’s people. You will have in your life from time to time those who will make every effort to make you miserable. They will pray, sacrifice, humble themselves at great lengths hoping that God will somehow act in their behalf to bring you to shame. Every time Balaam opens his mouth to curse God brings a greater blessing. The end of Balaam is a caution to us when we speak criticism against our brothers and sisters. When we criticize and vilify others we bring swift and unnecessary retribution down on our own lives that could have been avoided if we had simply quieted ourselves before God.

Morning Light - November 20th, 2014: Rising Above the Curse of Man (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Three] Rising Above Man’s Curse. In this chapter the prophet Balaam continues to work with Balak to curse God’s people. Balaam had an accurate gift but a wrong motivation. He attempts to curse the people but finds that it isn’t possible to curse that which God has blessed. Balak tries several times to sacrifice and humble himself to God in order to get God to work against Israel but it doesn’t work. Your enemies are never so humble and spiritual as when they are seeking to do you wrong. The key to overcome when others are working against us spiritually is to keep seeking the kingdom and refuse to be distracted.

Request a Prophetic Word for 2015!

DSC01474Request Your Prophetic Word for 2015

The coming of a new year is a special time for prophetic people. Receiving a word from the seasoned prophetic voice is invaluable.

Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden are available to give you an accurate, on time prophetic word to lead you into the the coming year. God has a breakthrough plan for you in 2015. It is a new day, a new assignment and fresh grace to break every spirit of containment that would attempt hold you back.


Throughout scripture God called his people together at key times in the year to re-orient them to His plans, purposes and pursuits. We invite you to request your NEW YEAR PROPHETIC WORD for 2015. It is vital to HEAR from the FATHER in order to ALIGN yourself with His revealed destiny for your life in the coming months.


The year 2015 is a WATERSHED YEAR in the purposes of God. The Apostle Paul told young Timothy to WAR with the PERSONAL PROPHECIES that where given over him. The prophetic potential of the new year is unlocked as you gain CLARITY and ASSIGNMENT through an ACCURATE personal prophecy.

We invite you to request your 2015 Prophetic word now. It is our privilege to voice the Father’s heart in your life and the lives of your loved ones.


2 Chron. 20:20 “Believe in the Lord so shall you be established, believe his prophets so shall you prosper…”

Request a Prophetic Word for 2015!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 24th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today you didn’t want to be normal did you? What is normal anyway? Normal is boring. Normal is marching in place. Normal is living a life within the parameters of the possible. I have created your human spirit with an airframe designed for pushing the limits of the impossible. You will not crash and burn. You will not fail if you will not falter. All things are possible only believe. There are those that think only in terms of the pedantic, dreary, truncated attainments of desperate normality. I have called you to higher things says the Father.

So make it your purpose today to achieve escape velocity from the expectations of man and your own fears and insecurities. I know you are scared. Do it scared! Obey Me even though you do so with your pulse pounding in your ears and your heart racing in your chest. I am with you says the Father I will not allow you to come to destruction. Others have failed but they are not your example. I have called you to audaciously risk where others bones have bleached white with unbelief. They will say “It will never work…” and you will laugh as I manifest the substance in your life of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

The Father Says Today: November 24th, 2014

Message from the Great Awakening Conference

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Great Awakening Conference exceeded all our expectations. The house was full, the excitement was palpable. People from all over the US and many from foreign countries gathered here in Branson and what a day we all shared! The hunger, the passion and the comraderie in the Spirit was a predictor of things to come – a Coming Great Awakening!

Prophet Russ Walden brought a prophetic word into events ahead regarding a new season of visitation and shaking in the earth. In the message below you will learn details, specific and how to position yourself for the good things ahead:

From Prophet Russell Walden:


There is going to be a Great Awakening in our time. This has been prophesied around the world and it has been prophesied here for decades by many well known and respected ministers and ministries. We are gathered here to speak into this vision and pray into this vision and to curate this vision that God has already established.

There is going to be a Great Awakening in our time. It will be the aftermath of a Great Disillusionment for the church. As a result God’s people will begin to pray with an intensity not seen since the early centuries of the church. In answer to this God will send a new Great Awakening. It will begin on the east coast of the US, and soon spread around the world. God is now calling up intercessors and spiritual moms and dad’s to have the spirit of a mid-wife to give birth to this that He is doing.

The coming Great Awakening will begin among the younger generation. The church will not initially accept this new generation of mission minded young people. They will be orphaned from the establishment church but will find their spiritual DNA in a contingent of servant minded mothers and fathers who will validate their zeal and passion for Christ. Affirmed by these spiritual mentors these young lions without religious pedigree will burst on the world scene with great fervor to confront the nations of the earth with the claims of Christ.

Just as the Evangelical movement was birthed from the Great Awakening in the 1700’s a new Evangelical movement will come forth from this awakening to redefine faith, church and Christian culture. The establishment church will become marginalized in the light of a new generation of radical Jesus loving believers.

It’s a new day says the Father and the invitation is extended to prepare to receive this generation He is raising up – to affirm and validate them as they pour their lives out like drink offerings to King Jesus. Toward that end we have convened this gathering because we believe and many prophets and seers before us have confirmed that Branson Missouri will have her portion in a great outpouring of God’s spirit. We cannot make it happen but we can stand in testament and speak into this vision and lean into with our prayers and our intercession.

This is a call to prayer and to prepare as apostolic mothers and fathers to receive this dynamic generation that the Lord is sending. In Branson Missouri God is extending an overture of this revival – foreseen by many gospel luminaries over the years. In a time of prayer God spoke this to me “Branson Missouri will have its moment as the Evangelical Center of the Earth” (8 years on God’s timetable [2 Pet. 3:8].


In the 1700’s during a time known as the enlightenment or the age of reason a movement swept America that became known as the Great Awakening. It changed the way people thought about God and how they thought about themselves. It eventually came to define Christianity as we know it. The Great Awakening engaged the hearts of the people with an emotionally charged gospel of redemption and individual accountability to the Lordship of Jesus.

The Great Awakening focused on spiritual transformation, personal decision and dedication to Christ. The whole idea of “making a decision for Christ” was at the forefront of the Great Awakening. Before the Great Awakening the “altar call” was unknown in western Christianity. The New Birth suddenly became a matter of a personal encounter with Christ. Institutional religion was only valid after the Great Awakening insofar as it facilitated the spread of the gospel regarding personal salvation and the new birth. Missions were strongly emphasized and in time out of the Great Awakening was birthed a phenomena known as the Evangelical Movement.

Soon the Evangelical movement consolidated into various organizations and denominations. Everything outside it’s influence became marginalized and rendered ineffective. It came to be that Christianity outside of the Evangelical movement didn’t matter.


George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were prominent ministers in the Great Awakening. Their goal was to get their listeners to have a personal, emotional response to the message of Christ. They wanted their hearers to look into their own souls and become convinced of their need of a savior.

Jonathan Edwards is often credited with starting the Great Awakening in 1741 with his famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. Imagine this. One day. One gathering. One singular response of the people and all of human history pivots away from secularism and rejection of Christ into a movement that entirely changed the parameters of what it meant to be a believer and what Christianity would look like in the earth.

Regarding the Great Awakening and its meetings: Jonathan Edwards encouraged people to come “not just for curiosity but from a sincere desire to know God and do your duty as a believer in Christ.” Mere curiosity and religious titillation was considered to be the hallmark of a lukewarm heart. He urged people not to apply the mandates of Christ to others (as the Puritans and Quakers were known to do) but to look into their hearts and ask ‘Lord is it I?’

George Whitefield taught people to have changed and repentant hearts. In the Western world Whitefield is credited with starting the practice of preaching in public because the organized churches in England would not give him a pulpit. Whitefield responded to the rejection of institutional religion by obeying God and taking the message from those that were initially invited out into the highways and by-ways where he found willing listeners.

Another well-known speaker by the name of James Davenport held public bonfires so his followers could burn the things that distracted them from kingdom seeking or tempted them to worldliness and pride. Non-religious books and luxury items were commonly cast into the flames. One night he derided the cult of celebrity and the idolatry of fashion and “fancy clothes”. Leading by example to the shock of the crowd he took off his pants and threw them into the fire!

These were men and women willing to push the envelope of acceptability. They would not take no for an answer. The legacy of the Great Awakening was to push the boundaries of Spiritual propriety outside the realm of tradition and religion. They took matters of faith out of the ghetto of religion and walked in the kingdom in the spheres of business, education, government, etc. The resulting reforms changed the way business was done, government was conducted and ultimately even slavery was ended and many other social ills of the day were addressed,


John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard movement made the statement before his death that God is asking us to relinquish church as we know it for church as God wants it. Things are the way they are because of what WE are doing. If WE want something different we must DO something different. We cannot look to the world and lament how dark and how godless it is. We must look at ourselves and lament that we have become so powerless and such a laughingstock in the earth that the fear of God is no longer known among men as once it was.

In generations past the world trembled before the church and our leaders confronted nations. There came a day in the third century that world powers dared to no longer mock the Christ of Christianity in spite of centuries of persecution. In the third century we have an example of a church that in three generations brought the known world to its knees at the foot of the cross. The might of Rome was so bowed to the power of God that its emperor faced the fact that the future of the Roman Empire could only advance under the sign of the cross.

The early church was neither an activist church nor an insurgent church. It didn’t not take up arms or attempt to bring change through the legislative processes available to it. The church of the first, second and third centuries is remarkable for two things: 1.) the way they prayed; and 2.) the way the died. The Roman procurators who oversaw the martyrdoms of the early church complained to the emperor. They insisted that the Christians died so well that for every believer killed in the arena 100 were taking their place. The early church was not seen as a religion. In fact the ancient world though confronted with “those that have turned the world upside down” didn’t know how to deal with them. Most early Christians were not martyred for what they believed but were rather condemned and sentenced as atheists. This generation of believers defied definition. They didn’t fit. They challenged the status quo and intimidated every ancient institution with their zeal and passion for Jesus.


There is rising again such a generation in the earth. There is coming a generation of believers who will sell their lives cheap for the cause of Christ. As the Moravians of old their watchword will be “may the lamb receive the reward of His suffering. Jihadist extremism will pale before the burning love for God this generation will exemplify. They will confront nations and the media will be unable to ignore them. The church will be unable to marginalize them. Young people will go into the mission field with nothing but a passport and a bible and will willingly sacrifice their lives for the cause of Christ.

Again this Great Awakening will be known for two things – the way they pray and the way they die. Martyrdoms will surge to a level that hasn’t been seen since the early church. They will pray on a scale that hasn’t been seen since the days that Paul was writing the New Testament.


On the east coast this revival will break out led by unlikely young people out of the rural areas of Pennsylvania and the Appalachians. Governors and city leaders will convene to consider what response is necessary to quell a movement they don’t understand. This Great Awakening generation will have a COMPLETE disconnect from what they will term “THE ESTABLISHMENT CHURCH”. The establishment church will reject this movement though its ranks will be filled with their own children. This movement will not initially accept full gospel, Charismatic, or Pentecostal doctrine or practice. They will identify these influences as part of the establishment church and reject them completely.

Let it be known that this Great Awakening will not validate the Pentecostal, Charismatic, Full Gospel demographic in the modern church. BUT if Spirit filled Christians will reach out to this generation and love them and accept them and give them the affirmation denied them – then they will accept the baptism of the Holy Ghost, Signs, Wonders, and the Gifts of the Spirit. When this happens there will be a detonation of revival outpouring that will challenge the world on a scale unprecedented in modern times.


Do we have any modern examples of this kind of movement? Fuller Theological Seminary claims that the Jesus Movement of the 1960’s and 70’s actually brought more people to Christ that the Great Awakening did. The Jesus Movement was an orphaned outpouring. Even in the churches where it was tolerated the environment was toxic to the revival. Kids were rejected because of the way they dressed, how they talked, the way the smelled – by a powerless church that didn’t come close to having the effectiveness that this rowdy, unkempt, unruly generation did in bringing millions to Christ.


How will the Next Great Awakening come? There is coming ahead for the church in America and the church in the Western World what will be called “the Great Disillusionment”. The establishment church in America is about to be disenfranchised in the political arena in such a way that their political aspirations will be publicly and openly crushed. As a result they will turn from these dependencies and begin to pray on an unprecedented scale. They will cry out to God as they did in the Great Depression and in answer to prayer God will send this Outpouring. He will answer their prayer but they will not understand the answer He sends. As a result the establishment church will become a part of the problem rather than a part of the solution.


In spite of the lack of endorsement from established churches and groups this movement will ignite in the city of London and in Northern England and Northern Ireland. Africa will pay its love debt to the United Kingdom for its missionary efforts on the dark continent during the days of when the sun never set on the British Empire.

Out of the Arabian Peninsula will come young, apostolic reformers inspired to come to Christ by the martyrdoms of young westerners. They will come out of the ranks ISIS and Alcaida and other Jihadist groups. Some will have been persecutors of the faith just as the Apostle Paul was in his day. They will leave the so-called apostolic leaders of the western church in total disarray and unable to reply to the burning intensity of these passionate young Arabic apostles. They will be called false, Jihadist spies, anti-Christ, etc., but their ministries will be vindicated by signs, miracles and wonders. Homeland security will attempt to apprehend them and be unable to because angels will protect them.


Are you willing to be an advance worker in this outpouring? Are you willing to place yourself in advance of this outpouring as Father David Nash did in advance of Charles Finney’s revivals? Nash would go ahead of Finney a year ahead of time to pray for revival and when Finney showed up people would run out of their homes begging for repentance and whole communities were transformed. When Nash retired Finney quit preaching revival because the power was gone. Are you willing to be a part? Are you willing to pray into this? Or are you going to sit back and observe with a wait and see attitude – to which posture the KINGDOM WILL NEVER COME.


God spoke to me in prayer a few months ago saying “Branson Missouri will have its moment as the Evangelical Center of the Earth”. Do we have examples of this? Are there cities that were ground zero for what became spiritual movements with a much broader context? Think Azusa Street, Pensacola, New Hebrides, the Welsh Revival under Evan Roberts, and others too numerous to mention.

Since coming here we have connected with several other men and women of God who were led to Branson at about the same time. Apostle Don Matison, Prophet Jess Bielby, Missionary Bob Alarid, others to be sure. They didn’t come here with any financial backing or promise of gain. They came at their own expense, selling themselves into what they perceived by the Spirit was a great thing about to happen in this city.

Where does Branson come in and why would God be interested in doing anything in the Ozarks of Missouri? There are fewer than 10,000 permanent residents here yet 7 million people come here every year as tourists. Branson’s reputation is that of honoring God, family values and patriotism. The only city in the world that compares to Branson in terms of being God focused is the Vatican (for different reasons). After traveling the country and ministering in 66 cities throughout the nation the Lord told us to speak into and pray into the established vision for Branson Missouri. Corrie Ten Boom saw an open vision of angels 5 deep over Branson. She declared God was going to do something special here. Nora Lam – the great Chinese evangelist saw angels standing protectively at the four corners of the Ozarks and prophesied a mighty move of God would come here. The same prophet who prophesied to Steve Hill about going to Pensacola and that he would see a mighty move of God – this same man (Michael Ratliff) prophesied over Branson that it would see a like outpouring. Others such as Maria Von Trapp, Billye Brim, Gwen Shaw, etc. have seen such things and come to Branson and the Ozarks in anticipation of what they were convinced God is going to do.


We cannot make this outpouring happen. But we can stand in testimony of it and speak into it, pray into it and lean into it with our faith. This prophesied revival will not happen if we merely wait and wonder and roll our eyes at every newcomer to our city seeking God’s promise here. There are many in the area that hold themselves to be THE authority over the coming TRI-LAKES REVIVAL and they have fallen into skepticism and a critical spirit. We forgive them beforehand. This will not come with merely waiting and watching. We must DO something. Our faith is not measured by our words but our actions. This Tri-lakes Revival is not the Great Awakening but will serve as a staging ground, a launching place, a support to what is coming. It will be the “cloud the size of a man’s hand” that Elijah saw when God told Him to get ready for a drought-ending downpour.

Jesus said in Luke 17:20,21 that the kingdom doesn’t come with observation. We must do something. What must we do? John Wesley said “God will do nothing but in answer to prayer…” The Lord told me one day – “I am perfect, sinless, resurrected, and at the right hand of the Father. If I have to pray – you have to pray”.

The works of God you are not praying into you do not believe in.


Will you pray? Will you persevere in prayer? Will you pray “until”? We don’t need a prediction or a prophecy to know we need a resurgence of godliness and spiritual hunger in our land and in the world. God is calling on us to pray out what He has already determined in His sovereignty to do. One writer in a book titled “Let us Pray” says this:

1. God communicates His will

2. We Discern His will as He has communicated it.

3. We return His will back to Him in Prayer.

4. Then He does His will in answer to prayer.

We all want change and see the need for change. Politics are not the answer. We are about to find that out unequivocally in the next few years. The overthrow of the Federal government is not the answer – as some well known ministers have suggested. I volunteered to work for Pat Robertson’s presidential bid in the 80’s and the Lord told me “Go home you don’t have permission to do this”! I asked why and He gave me this verse:

Zec. 4:6 – It’s not by might, not by power but by My Spirit says the Lord…”

It isn’t that we can’t get some things done in these arenas but the fact is you cannot solve the problem on the level of the problem. You must ascend – and the path of ascension is in prayer. Do you see the threat to our faith in the earth today? We flew to the United Kingdom and on the way over everyone was handed a piece of paper that said “if you are coming to preach in the UK without government sanction we will turn you back at the terminal…” Our legislative bodies, our presidents and military, our court systems are mocking our faith and thumbing their nose at gospel values. You can’t solve the problem on the level of the problem and if you are waiting and watching you are a part of the darkness and not the light. We must DO something – and that is to pray.

This meeting will have been a success if there is a prayer response. There are those here called to focus your prayer efforts on the coming great awakening. There are those who not involved at all in prayer groups that are to go home and organize a prayer group that will ACTUALLY PRAY and not just say they pray. There are those here that God wants you to connect with the prayer initiatives available on your welcome card, please do so and we will be in touch with you. Prayer changes things and THINGS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE!


[Act 4:24-37 KJV] 24 And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou [art] God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: 25 Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? 26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 27 For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, 28 For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done. 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30 By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

The Result for them is recorded in history and for us it will be no different:

31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. 32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: 33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Message from the Great Awakening Conference

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 23rd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today do not allow your head to talk your heart out of My promise. The set backs in your life at this hour are really set ups from heaven to transition you into a place of yoke easy and burden light. I know it isn’t comfortable but you did say you trust Me right? Then don’t change your mind now. I will not leave you where you are because I am not willing for you to live without fullness of joy. I am increasing the pressure not to destroy but to eject you from restriction and impediment into liberty and full blessing.

The way things look right now are not your permanent spiritual or even natural environment. Get ready for change. Embrace change. Seek change. Make change. Give Me some change says the Father I will give you some transformation. It’s a new day. It is a new day and you are walking with Me as of this hour in a new way of life and a new way of making the decisions that govern your future. You are going to have to jettison the old mentality and wed your mind to your faith and put your faith in charge where once natural reasoning ruled. Get up says the Father. Get up and shake yourself for the launching of a new blessing is at hand in your life.

The Father Says Today: November 23rd, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 22nd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today there is going to be a Great Awakening in the earth. The natural course of spiritual decline in the earth is about to be staunched by a fresh outpouring of My Spirit. The winds of the kingdom are about to blow across the earth and even the media outlets will take notice and report that change has come! This will be a renewal not of mere words but mighty acts of boldness and audacity by those that know their God and are unafraid to perform exploits in My name.

No longer will the people of God pine for a by-gone era of revival and visitation for they will be walking in the GLORY RAIN of My goodness upon the earth. The doom-and-gloomers will have nothing to complain about says the Father for make no mistake – My government and My glory is on the increase through-out the earth. You are destined says the Father not only to be a participant but a first partaker as you draw yourself away with Me and choose to strengthen yourself with the resources of heaven for a new day, a new season and a new time when the nations of the earth will be confronted with the claims of Christ in a whole new way.

The Father Says Today: November 22nd, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that My mercy is everlasting and My patience is enduring beyond all of man’s expectations. When man reviles and repudiates and condemns I turn and renew My mercy even upon those who oppose and forsake their own mercy. Hell was not intended for man but for those angels that rebelled and left their first estate. There was no place of punishment intended for man for I made man in My image. I have no need to be punished therefore I take no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. Every sinew of My right arm is bursting forth in mercy and grace and loving-kindness. Be the recipient of My mercy O nations of the earth for I will heal the land and heal the waters and draw humanity from many waters of destruction and chaos.

Go out in your day today and be a minister of reconciliation. Allow My glory to burst and beam forth out of your life even to the undeserving and the unappreciative. Love them. Lavish your love upon the obnoxious and unbelieving. Pour out your love on the unkind and contemptible. Release those that have wronged and defrauded you. Forgive, release, bless, move on. You are not a child of wrath therefore choose today not to beget wrath from within yourself into the lives of your detractors and your critics. Love never fails says the Father. Unlimber your love today for love is who I AM. As you love unconditionally, no strings attached even those who reject and vilify you – so you secure for yourself the mercy and grace and favor that has eluded you in life.

The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2014

Morning Light - November 19th, 2014: The Error of Balaam (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-Two] The Error of Balaam. In this chapter one of the descendants of Lot hires Balaam the prophet to prophesy against the Israelites. Who was Balaam? What does the New Testament refer to when speaking of the “Error of Balaam”? We hear of such things and blithely distance ourselves thinking we would never do any such thing but a closer examination will help us to see how close we come to making the mistakes – the costly mistakes Balaam made in this situation.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 20th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that the voice of reason is not always My voice. My voice rides on the winds of intuition and will not pay homage to the opinions of man or the limitations of circumstance. Embrace the impossible says the Father and set your expectations on those things that man would hold to be unrealistic and illogical. Abraham went out he knew not where for he trusted Me for daily guidance for himself and 318 souls in his household. If I cared fully for Abraham in the wilderness how much more will I care for you? I see your needs and I have heard your cry. I am on hand to lead and guide by My still, small voice.

Do not listen to the shrill and insistent voice of fear and panic. That is not My voice that is the voice of the enemy manipulating you with the urgent to distance you from the important. Find your place at My feet in the midst of the chaos and just learn of Me. When you are overwhelmed just look to Me and ask “Father – how are you going to get Me out of this one”? For I stand ready at every juncture to lead you through and bring My peace online to steady you regardless of outward circumstances. So up and let us be going for there are mountains to scale and enemies to conquer

The Father Says Today: November 20th, 2014

Morning Light - November 18th, 2014: Brazen Serpents and Singing Fountains (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty-One] Brazen Serpents and Singing Fountains. In chapter Moses and the people continue their wanderings. They are molested by neighboring tribes yet God defends them. They complain again about the Manna and are plagued by deadly serpents. Moses makes a brass serpent and those that look on it are healed. Jesus later says that He is this serpent. This is a very controversial metaphor. Is Jesus a snake? Then the people gather in thirst and instead of striking or speaking to the rock they sing to the rock and waters come forth.

Morning Light - November 17th, 2014: Surviving Stagnation (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Twenty] Surviving Stagnation. In this chapter the people come to a flat, dry place and cry out for water. Many times in your walk with God you will experience dry and uncomfortable spiritual seasons. Your response during this time will impact your destiny for years to come and may cost you far more than you know. A proper response in the dry places of spiritual wilderness can be the most valuable resource in your walk with God if you will learn the lessons of the wilderness of Zin.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 19th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today enter into the intercession of the Son. My Son sits at My right hand. He is resurrected. He is sinless and perfect – yet prayer is still a part of His life. If He has to pray then YOU have to pray. Prayer is verbalizing My will revealed to you through My word and through the prophetic voice. I am turning up the amplitude of My voice in your life because I will not compete with the tyranny of the urgent. I will still the waters of controversy and in the midst of confusing I will be made know to you in clarity and surety.

I have and I am communicating My will to you. Just because there are questions doesn’t mean you don’t have marching orders. Go out. Go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Be expectant not of the problems man might bring but of the answer that I AM THAT I AM in your NOW situation. You have perceived My will and there’re your assignment is to return My will to Me in verbalized prayer. You are going to have to ASK and in the asking DECLARE and in the declaration PROCLAIM for I am not shy neither am I timid. What I said I would do will I not do thus? Let your mouth pray and I will then take those prayers as live coals on the altar of Heaven and bring them to pass in your life and in the earth. I would that men and women pray everywhere with all manner of prayer and supplication. In those transactions of heaven are the things you have waited and expected and cried out for. Let your mouth pray says the Father and in the praying will be the release of grace and anointing and power to bring the things you ask for to pass.

The Father Says Today: November 19th, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 18th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today your assignment today is to reclaim the inner ground that Satan has staked out within you today. The enemy has conspired to rob you of your composure and your calm. Push back against the enemy with your composure and your calmness. Your calmness in the face of assault demoralizes the enemy and leaves him tired and deflated. Give the concerns and fears and distractions to Me. Give them to Me says the Father for they are not yours they are Mine. I will take your cares and you will take My glory. Casting all your cares upon Me for I am caring for you.

You are not a carrier of burdens and falseness you are the carrier of My Glory. I am not willing to bring the glory into the earth that doesn’t not flow powerfully to you and freely out from you. I am not willing to do the things in the earth that I am going to do without you. There are many more FOR you than are against you. You and I are a majority against the hordes of Satan who seek to impugn My faithfulness in your behalf. Be encouraged this day today. Choose a GLORY PERCEPTION and not a FEAR PERCEPTION. Join the company of the redeemed who take no prisoners and push through to full immersion in My purposes in their lives.

The Father Says Today: November 18th, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today Do not look back. I say again Beloved – do not look back. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that lie ahead. I have prepared great and tremendous things ahead for those people that will obey my word and those people that will walk in My Spirit.

I have great and mighty things that I want to do in the earth says the Lord. But I need a willing and an obedient and humble people. I need people that are willing to pay the price, people that are willing to turn from the things of the world and give me their whole life, completely and totally dedicated to me. With no compromise, with nothing of the world, but just looking unto me, being so obedient unto me, that they move in My Spirit.

Because it ISN’T by might. I’ve told you and told you and told you “Not by Might, Not by Power, but by My Spirit…” It isn’t your might and its not men’s power but it’s My spirit that is going to do the things in the earth that I’m going to do and the only way you can be a part of it is to walk in my Spirit, but you must draw yourself away with me, says your God.

The Father Says Today: November 17th, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today I am opening a new chapter in the book of your life. This is the day of new beginnings. The book of new beginnings has been opened and I have closed the books on old pathways and stale plans. I say to you AGAIN the time is now, the time is now. Can you take NOW for an answer? Enter into the NOW of My purposes. You do not have to wait any longer. Though the enemy seeks to hold you bound in the past I say to you that the past is the past and the way forward is now fully open to you.

All is well says the Father all is well. Go forward, do what I’ve called you to do. Step into the assignment communicated to you by My hand. Forsake the gainsayers and critics who have presumed to know My mind when they have NO idea where I purpose to take you in life. Fear not. There will be water from the rock and manna on the ground as necessary. My hand upon you and I am smiling on you this day. All is well!

The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 15th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that old relationships are now ended. You prayed and you sought and you cajoled and reached out to no avail. Let go. Move on. Your heart investments are in My kingdom and My purposes and not the broken and fractured relationships of the past. Forgive. Release. Bless. Move on. There will be a day that reckoning will take place but it is not the day before you now. Turn aside from the house of mourning and step out into a new path of rejoicing and light.

You think I write in stone but I do not says the Father. I write in sand. Things change and people change and My plans for you change in accordance to the yieldeness of those involved. It is not good to be alone yet there are times that going forward to greater things in the kingdom requires a solitary choice. I will not leave you. I will never forsake you. You will know the fraternity of the faithful again but for now know that this is the day to shake off the past and release those connections to Me, trusting Me to settle every heart account and keep you safe in the midst of transition.

The Father Says Today: November 15th, 2014

Morning Light - November 14th, 2014: Ashes of the Red Heifer (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Nineteen] Ashes of the Red Heifer. What is so special about the Red Heifer? Is the physical temple of God going to be restored and the sacrifice reinstituted? What does the Red Heifer tell us about who Jesus is to us? Why is the Red Heifer so rare and what does this tell us about Jesus?

Morning Light - November 13th, 2014: Jesus Bears Your Iniquity (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Eighteen] Jesus Bears Your Iniquity. In this chapter God charges Aaron with the iniquity of the tabernacle. The New Testament tells us we are the Tabernacle of God. Jesus bears our iniquity. Even though Jesus was perfect He could only bear the sin of the world enabled by the anointing that He received when the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. Our response to the gift of God through Jesus is to give Him our best and put Him first in all things.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 14th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that I am putting you on your own recognizance with Me. Today you will take responsibility for your own walk in My kingdom and not rely any longer on the training wheels and tutelage of others. There are things you have asked Me for that you cannot walk in unless you are willing to step out and take responsibility for your own spiritual growth. I am extracting you from the eternal childhood of the believer and causing you to stand up into your sonship and your entitlement to growth and full maturity in My kingdom.

You know there is a call upon your life says the Father. There is a call on your life and it doesn’t involve sitting around watching others do what I’ve called you to do. Stop it says the Father. Cease from the endless protestations of inability and unpreparedness. Now is the time and this is the day. Step up and step out in your calling. I will guide you and yes you will falter and fail and make mistakes. Then I will make those mistakes to prosper and become testimonies of My faithfulness. The training wheels are off says the Father and you are now walking in your calling and destiny for real. Are you ready? This is going to be the most exciting season of your life.

The Father Says Today: November 14th, 2014

Morning Light - November 12th, 2014: Aaron's Rod the Budded (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Seventeen] Aaron’s Rod that Budded. In this chapter the people continue to murmur against Moses and Aaron after a rebellion in which 14,000 people are killed including Korah who was swallowed up alive by the earth. God vindicates Aaron the high priest as His chosen man by having all the surviving heads of Israel put their rods and staffs before the tabernacle all night. In the morning Aaron’s rod has sprouted almond leaves, buds, blossoms and almonds. This is a picture of total fruitfulness. There is a principle in God whereby He vindicates His servants. When you are faced with rebellion and criticism and persecution He will vindicate you by signs, miracles and wonders when you are prepared to stand with Him in the face of the assault of your critics.

Morning Light - November 11th, 2014: Surviving a Church Fight (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Sixteen] Surviving a Church Fight with Your Destiny Intact. In this chapter we find Moses in conflict with a wealthy Israelite by the name of Korah. Moses is challenged and criticized for not producing deliverance as promised. 250 men rise up to remove Moses and Aaron but God intervenes and before the day is over 14,000 people pay with their lives. Rebellion always comes with a hidden and terrible cost. Christians are masters of rebellion, criticism and judgmentalism. By studying the example of Korah you will learn how to come out of these horrible situations with your destiny intact.

Morning Light - November 10th, 2014: Protocols of Promise (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Fifteen] In this chapter God continues to instruct Moses and the people regarding their conduct before Him when they come into the land of promise. To the children of Israel entering Canaan was still very much only a hope and a possibility. To God the land of Milk and Honey was foregone conclusion. There was no question that God would bring them into their blessing time. The question was however would they remain faithful to Him once He brought them out of the wilderness.

Morning Light - November 7th 2014: Avoiding the Wilderness Trip! (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Fourteen] Avoiding the Wilderness Trip! In this chapter the people respond to the 10 spies who brought back the evil report. The voice of reason and rationale often provokes us to react to problems in fear and doubt. The evil report of the 10 spies could have been motivated out of a healthy caution and sensibility but the end result was 40 years of disappointment and death. The people are poised on the threshold of tremendous breakthrough but they listened to the wrong counsel. The bible does say there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors but when the multitude of counsel is speaking out of unbelief the consensus of popular opinion will only lead to disappointment and frustration.

Morning Light - November 6th, 2014: Believing the Good Report (Video)

Numbers Chapter Thirteen: Believing the Good Report. In this chapter the 12 spies go into the land of Canaan to bring back a report to Moses and the people. God seldom allows us to go into a situation without our eyes open. He will keep you informed and nothing will take you by surprise IF you will listen. The choice the spies had to make and the choice you must make is whether or not you believe the GOOD report of God’s sovereignty over every obstacle or will you believe what the circumstances say?

Morning Light - November 5th, 2014: Dealing with Your Critics (Video)

Today: [Numbers Chapter Twelve] Dealing with Your Critics. In this chapter Moses is criticized by those closest to him. His response earns him the title of the most “meek man” that ever lived. Zipporah was a Midianite and from all accounts a strong personality. Many times the spouse of a man or woman of God can be an Achilles’ heel to a leader. In this chapter we explore the God-honoring response to the shortcomings of our leaders and what the consequences are when we choose otherwise.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 13th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today I am clearing up misunderstanding and ambiguity in your walk with Me. You are going to hear My voice with clarity. Even as My voice was heard walking in the cool of the day so shall My voice be heard in your land walking and becoming known as never before. My sound is beginning to resonate in your life and I will come to you and My sound will be found whirling on the inner breezes and currents of your own human spirit. Your inner man is as a tuning fork and as I draw near you will begin to vibrate and resonate even physically within yourself. Things of hindrance and timidity are going to begin to roll off of you and you will experience much longed for change that will manifest in My presence.

You will walk into a room and people will do a double take because I will walk in with you. The atmosphere will change without you saying a word. The enemy will manifest and you will say with authority, “Shut up and come out”! That is just the beginning of a new demonstration of My power in your life. I will demonstrate My hand and My mind and My heart through you and change will come to all around you. You are a carrier says the Father. You are a carrier of My glory and a harbinger of My presence. I am preparing to manifest in your life in a very unique way.

They will stop you and ask “what is that fragrance”? And your answer will be, “It is HIMSELF – it is the rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley. It’s a new day says the Father and your “coming out” time. No longer hiding or being hidden. I am announcing and annunciating Myself in your life with authority and strength and all will know and see and testify of who I have chosen to be in your life.

The Father Says Today: November 13th, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 12th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that My love in an endless bounty over you today. Yes it is true that you fail and you falter and even shame My purposes at times. I am not expecting you to fail – I am expecting you to become a success in My kingdom. I take no pleasure in pummeling you with condemnation or shame. I don’t do shame and I don’t do blame. When shame and blame are leveled at you even by the illegitimate authorities of religious mentalities know that I am at your back. I am your rear guard and I go before you in all things. So what if you are criticized? So what if they are fasting and praying that you will falter and fail? If I am for you it doesn’t matter who is against you!

So relax, take your eyes off of what people are doing around you to frustrate your purpose. Your success is determined by My hand and not mans. No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Do not be distracted or discouraged because others gainsay your testimony for even so they disparaged Me in the days of My earthly sojourn. There is nothing to be gained by rehearsing the criticisms of those who never see anything positive unless it originates with them or profits them in someway. They are blind leaders of the blind whose plans and opinions change like the winds of chance. You will be established. You will be left standing when all others who malign and vilify and tear you down are but a distant memory.

The Father Says Today: November 12th, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 11th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that I am a fire from My loins upward and from My loins downward. There is fire in My hands and My feet are like brass, burnished in the furnace. There is a sword proceeding out of My mouth aflame with My power. My eyes are as coals of fire that shoot out bolts of destruction at the enemy. Let THIS mind and this image not only be your vision of who I am but know this is what the enemy sees when He looks at you!

You do realize don’t you that when the enemy looks at you he sees Me looking back at him? He can’t tell the difference UNTIL you open your mouth! Let My confidence be your confidence today. Let Me promise be your expectation. Be bold and let My authority imbue your every word with strength and declaration. I am with you says the Father – let My mind saturate you completely today until there is nothing more of weakness and doubt and all your words and your actions will become as effective as if I said them or did them.

The Father Says Today: November 11th, 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 10th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that there are those in your life that need to repent. Their choices are destructive and their future though unknown to them is bleak. They will say in their calamity “why has God done this to Me?” Let your answer be “this is not God’s will for He sent His son to bring you life and life more abundantly”! Time is not yet run out says the Father. I will deliver them before they fall into the snare of the enemy. Confront them. Confront them with My grace and confront them with My goodness.

It is My goodness that leads men to repent says the Father even as I said in My word. Religious mentalities threaten offenders with judgments and they mock and turn ever deeper into transgression. It is My goodness and My kindness that turns the hearts of men. Do you want men to repent? Do you long to see those that oppose their own happiness transform? Go out and love them unconditionally and without expectation. My love in you and through you will bring them to change and rob Satan of the spoil he would have in their destruction. Be an agent of My unconditional love and My mercy that is renewed every day and you will see the change you have sought and prayed for even in the most stubborn and sinful people around you.

The Father Says Today: November 10th, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 9th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today no more postponement and no more delay. I am giving you joy right now. When the angels assigned to you look at your face today they will say your smile is just like your Father’s! Be buoyant. Be focused. Keep your attention on My goodness and My sovereignty and My goodness. Never EVER make allowances for not being happy. Joy is My identity and My character. Joy is your inheritance and your portion. Receive My joy. Accept even the stigma of joy because those around you will account your buoyancy of spirit to be a sign of a lack of maturity. Those that think that way have no clue how ignorant the are of My priorities in their lives.

Be joyful! He that sits in the heaven shall laugh. Laughter is your first response and just deflates the enemy. The enemy thinks he has you on the ropes and you are about defeated and then you smile, wink and laugh and say “is that ALL you’ve got devil”? That is the warrior spirit says the Father. That is the audacity of a favored son beloved. You are favored and you are My entitled one. Step into the fray today and extract victory from defeat and joy from heaviness and I will give you beauty for ashes in an unprecedented way.

The Father Says Today: November 9th, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 8th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today I am establishing My headship within you today. Come up higher says the Father. You have looked at what men have done around you and set your goals based on the accomplishments of mere men. Set your sights higher. Set your expectations higher. Remember the mandate of scripture “looking unto Jesus…” I am the author and the finisher. I am authoring My newness in you and finishing off the enemy who has presumptuously transgressed your borders. I said I am about to FINISH THE ENEMY OFF and giving you a whole new understanding of the fullness of My Spirit on the inside of you.

My glory is a covering glory upon you today. The still small voice is about to become a trumpet of Jubilee within you. I am declaring on your mountain My blessing and My call to war. Shoulder your armor and recognize My hand in your situation. The enemy wants you to pay attention to what he is doing but I say to you it matters not what the enemy is doing because I paid the full price for your deliverance and safety. Be secure in My strength today. Let the enemy be the one who gets depressed and tired and discouraged because you just won’t give in to his lies.

The Father Says Today: November 8th, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 7th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today have an appetite for the impossible. Be famished for the challenge of pursuing the implausible, unlikely, astonishing impossibilities that will become your reality in Me. Refuse to allow your walk with Me to become boring by always choosing the easy way. Be as Caleb of old whose heart panted for the good fight of faith. There is only one good fight says the Father and that is the fight you win. If you will simply shake off the chains of capitulation and compromise I will redirect your path into more-than-you-can-ever-ask-or-think territory. This is your time. This is your day. Dispense with those anemic and generalized prayers and plans. Get tough with yourself and wake up to your entitlement as a son of the Most High and a warrior in My kingdom.

Are you hungering and thirsting for righteousness? Does your heart cry out to see your prayers answered in a conspicuous way? Are you willing to make gains in My kingdom that will offend every religious mentality in your life? They come up with convoluted and sophisticated lies explaining away their powerlessness. I am about to cut through the tissues of their falsehood and establish you in their midst as a vibrant and victorious warrior – even one who has the courage to snatch the prey from the mouth of the enemy and gain souls for your labor that others have written off as lost forever. Step up says the Father and step forward – this is your hour of renewal and victory.

The Father Says Today: November 7th, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 6th, 2014

subscribeThe Father says today there is no more delightful experience for Me than to walk with you today. You are living under My smile and My favor this day. Today you will walk out your day as the object of My delight and you will see My hand even in the challenges that caused you to question in times past “where is God in all this”?. You are predestined to be conformed to the image of the Son. There is no fatalism in My mind. I am resurrection-minded and dominion-minded. Let your mind be as My mind and let your first response in crisis be to turn in loving relationship to Me and give ME your attention and not the illusory and insistent tactics of the enemy to seduce you into looking away from the throne.

What does this mean? What must you do? These questions will always lead you to deeper relationship in Me. I am undefeated therefore you are undefeated. I am seated at the right hand of majesty therefore you are seated at the right hand of majesty. You are not merely visiting this is your home territory. You are My beloved and I call you this day “the ENTHRONED”! So shake off the merely human vantage point and refuse to be discouraged. Refuse to be distracted. When pressure comes simply redouble your determination to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM and guess what? All things will be added to you and the troubles and troublemakers will be swept away from your life in a tsunami of My favor, grace and power.

The Father Says Today: November 6th, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 5th, 2014

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Father says today align the mental traffic in your head to the flow of My thoughts coursing through your heart right this moment. You know you have nothing to fear. You know that My preeminence is finding its way in your life to produce maturity, victory, joy and overcoming in your day. So take it as a learning experience. When others are raising their voices in complaining and murmuring make it your choice to access the secret place of My presence. Open your eyes and see from that secure vantage point what I am going to do to bring you through in first class style!

No more compromising. No more stifling your song in the night seasons. Allow My song to persist in your life and refuse to allow the opposition of the enemy to tear you down in any way. You are a champion. You are an overcoming. You are not a victim – you are a victor. You don’t HAVE to fight the enemy – you GET to fight the enemy. There is no question whether the enemy is being defeated. The only question is whether you get to lay into him before he is finally dragged pummeled and bleeding away from the field of conflict. So move forward this day and do not allow intimidation or fear to rob you of this rare moment of putting your foot in the neck of your enemy and trumpeting from the top of your lungs the supremacy of the cross and the manifestation of the throne in your life.

The Father Says Today: November 5th, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Morning Light - November 4th, 2014: Would that All God's People were Prophets (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Eleven] Would that All God’s People were Prophets! In this chapter the people complain once again about the Manna. Moses is at the end of his patience and cries out to God. In His mercy God offers to take the prophetic spirit on Moses and give it to 70 elders to help Moses bear the burden of the people. In the midst of this great blessing there were consequences for the people. They got what they asked for with undesirable consequences. We should be careful what we pray for. Our prayers have more weight with God than we could ever imagine.

Morning Light - November 3rd, 2014: Trumpets of Redemption (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Ten] The Trumpets of Redemption. In this chapter God instructs Moses to fashion two silver trumpets used in calling the people together. These trumpets speak of the message of the gospel and the character of the gospel is reflected in the silver used to fashion them. There is much condemnation and judgment preached today but the trumpets were not of brass (judgment) but of sliver (redemption). We will see in this chapter today are reflection of the legitimate character of the gospel which is supposed to be “good news” as opposed to the condemnation and denunciation often heard by those who delight to step on toes rather than wash feet.

Prophetic Meeting with Jess Bielby #2 (Video)

BransonMOStripx150Second Session of a monthly prophetic meeting hosted by Father’s Heart Ministry and Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden. The teaching is on session one – there is a conclusion in this recording and then personal prophetic words following. Special guest Prophet Jess Bielby. Jess Bielby was prophetic when prophetic wasn’t cool! He shares in Branson an encouraging word and prophesies over the individuals present.

Prophetic Meeting with Jess Bielby #1 (Video)

BransonMOStripx150First Session of a monthly prophetic meeting hosted by Father’s Heart Ministry and Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden. Special guest Prophet Jess Bielby. Jess Bielby was prophetic when prophetic wasn’t cool! He shares in Branson an encouraging word and prophesies over the individuals present.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 4th, 2014

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Father say today do not run from the crisis before you. Crisis leads to promotion and elevation. Those things, situations and circumstances that threaten to take you down are in fact causing you to rise up in the power of My might that you might surmount every obstacle and fulfill your ordained purpose. Your challenge and the crisis you face today attract My power and My strength to you. My grace and My power is sufficient for you and perfected in you even under the greatest pressures.

Do not allow your prevailing situation to be an obstacle for your faith. Everything – even the plans and strategies of the enemy are leading to a manifestation of My majesty and greatness in your life. This is where My sovereignty and providence come together in a synthesis of breakthrough. You are not going to have time to be intimidated by the enemy – rather be raptured by the greatness and mystery of how I am going to break through at the proper moment and establish you in an unimpeachable victory.

The Father Says Today: November 4th, 2014

Cultivating The Prophetic Spirit (Video)

Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.40.09 AMApostle Warren Hunter shares at Light of Glory in Hollister, Missouri on “Cultivating the Prophetic Spirit

Morning Light - October 31st, 2014: Should Christians Obey Jewish Law? (Video)

MLToday: [Numbers Chapter Nine] Should Christians Obey Jewish Law? In this chapter the Father instructs Moses concerning the observance of the Passover. There were cases where people were ceremonially unclean or perhaps who found themselves in a foreign land at Passover time. This speaks of our own position before Christ. Jesus is our Passover. Do we clean ourselves up before coming to Jesus? Are we too far away from God to surrender to Jesus? What about the cloud of God’s glory? Should we look for a physical manifestation of a cloud by day or fire by night? Is the glory of God which Paul says is “in us” the same glory that led the children of Israel thousands of years ago?

Breakthrough Word for November 2014 (Video)

nov20142 Chron. 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for November 2014 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny.


The Father says today that the power of the cross is prevailing over the power of man and the power of the earth. I am the God that heals the water and causes the nations to tremble. I am the God that brings men to silence and establishes My voice as the breakwater for a new day. It’s a new day says the Father and a new season for your life. I am stripping off of you the containment and the contamination of things past. Forgive, release, bless. Let go … move on. You are not that person any longer – for your destiny is to reflect My image and not the contorted visage of broken-ness and fracture from the things gone by. I will be known in your life as Jehovah-Raphe for I am healing your mind, your emotions and your inmost man from the disappointments and the woundings that brought torment and grief. I am bearing away from you all grief. Even in your physical body you will see a renewal of youth and vitality. Your internal organs are being touched by My hand and your health is being remediated by the stripes of Calvary. Come into the place of rejoicing this day says the Father for this is your hour of liberty and your hour of renewal and restoration in the midst of the storms of life that though they are breaking around you but they will not hurt or damage you in any way.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 3rd, 2014

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Father says today that they are going to call you “The Come-back Kid”. Some have counted you out and others have marginalized the successes you have had. Your heart is a heart of great passion and you have struggled thinking “is my vision EVER going to be taken seriously”? The vision is not YOUR vision it is MINE says the Father. I have taken custody of the vision and the heart – your heart that contains it. The vision will be realized and become substance. You will not be denied – you WILL see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.

Bouncing back is an art form in the life of a warrior says the Father. When you get knocked down, rise up and do not be deterred by seeming set back. I am a God who doesn’t take no for an answer and I do not want YOU to take no for an answer. Do NOT capitulate to the enemy. No compromise. No surrender. This is highest-heart’s-desire and greatest-dream-fulfilled time for you. Press inward and onward to the deeper depths and higher heights where all your dreams are spontaneously fulfilled and My purpose is established beyond all question in your behalf.

The Father Says Today: November 3rd, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 2nd, 2014

Russ-n-Kitty-10-2014x175The Father says today make it your choice to glory in your sufferings and challenges. Know that the pleasure you take by glorying in weakness is about the triumph that surely will follow. Every experience and everything that occurs in your life leads inexorably to My majesty. You don’t have time to be intimidated because you are preoccupied with the anticipation and curiosity about how I am going to manifest My Lordship in the circumstance. The sufferings of the day are not worthy to be compared with the glory that should follow. The glory that follows is glory NOW and not glory later! Can you take NOW for an answer? Now is all I have to give you but all I have to give you is IN your NOW!

The glory that comes in the midst of reproach and assault is because of My Spirit and My power that rests upon you. So don’t look for sympathy – look for My majesty. Wear the enemy down by your freshness. Wear the enemy down by staying fresher longer in the knowledge and conviction that My mercies are renewed every morning. So crisis is no crisis says the Father. You are not being ROBBED you are being ROBED in My majesty. You will not be victimized you will find in the darkest hour the dominance that I have encoded in you as the base line response of a warrior to every challenge. This is the maturity of the saints. The world grows up into cynicism and despair – as a member of My kingdom you mature by growing up in to joy, simplicity and rejoicing in every victory wrested from the jaws of defeat and anguish.

The Father Says Today: November 2nd, 2014