Friday, November 28, 2014

The Father Says Today: November 29th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.21.45 AMThe Father says today that relationship estrangements are coming to an end. Make the first move. Love freely. Lavish your love on the angry and the bitter. Pour out your kindness upon those who refuse to let the past be the past. Forgive. Release, Bless. I will show up in the situation says the Father. I am kneading their hearts with the My hands even now. Allow My mind and My heart to be your mind and your heart in this season. It is time to break the bars of iron and the gates of brass that others have surrounded you with in their cruelty and pettiness.

It is a new day today says the Father. A day of ascension. Humility. Love. Kindness. Gentleness. This is your arsenal of breakthrough. The seeds will be sown. The tender shoots will be watered. The blossom, bud and fruit will come forth and you will bring redemptive breakthrough even to generations to come for there the contamination of lovelessness is being broken and you are the first fruits of that new day and new time. Be strong. Be of a good courage. Make the first move, expecting nothing. Let your testimony be “I love you no strings attached”. Let your resolve be “I’m going to love you and there is nothing you can do about it”. Love never fails Beloved. Never step out of love. Move toward them in love and see love’s dividend manifest in healing, restoration and liberty.

The Father Says Today: November 29th, 2014

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