Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Father Says Today: April 26th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am raising up a relevant prophetic generation. You are a part of this and you have your place in My kingdom as a prophetic person. You are drawn to the prophetic because you ARE prophetic. My gospel is a gospel that must arise from that which you have seen and heard. You have seen the prophetic. You have heard the prophetic. The prophetic has molded and shaped your life. Your gifting and My anointing in your life flows in the release of My voice in you and through you. Your commissioning is to set others free and to walk in freedom yourself. This is a question that should be put to rest in your life says the Father. From out of My mercy I am releasing a word through you that will redefine what it means to hear My voice and to share what I hear for your benefit and the benefit of others.

So look to see this day says the Father. Listen to hear. Sense to feel. I will cause you to experience the seer anointing and to hear the very subtle nuance of what I am saying and doing. Remember that being prophetic is not about seeing through the eyes of the accuser but through the filter of the cross and My unconditional love. Your dreams are going to transition from personal direction to night visions revealing the principalities and powers operating around you. Your priorities will shift according to the deeper reality being made known to you even in the night seasons. Say to your ears “hear” and to your eyes “be opened”. Take what you receive and make it life and breath and encouragement to others. This is your assignment and your ministry portion says the Father.

The Father Says Today: April 26th, 2015

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