Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you are not helpless. You are not helpless and you are not without resources to address and defeat every strategy and tactic of the enemy. Take no thought for the assault of the dark one – you are not ignorant of his devices. He will falter and fail and you will go on seeking the kingdom. Make it your determination that you will not be distracted. If you will not be distracted and if you will keep on seeking the kingdom then I affirm to you surely all things will be added. Resources, favor, blessing and covenant are your entire portion says the Father. You are the favored child of a royal house – there is nothing that will be withheld to you. Say to yourself that you are the entitled. The shed blood of Calvary washes away every stain and all alienation from My blessing set aside for you.

Develop in yourself the Christ Mind. Let the Mind of Christ be that which you put on and that through which you filter all your understanding of the challenges around you. I am with you says the Father. I am with you and I will never leave you nor forsake you. I took all your shortcomings and fractures and failures into account when I made you the promises that Calvary affords. I don’t expect you to be perfect – just malleable to My hand. Allow Me to shape you this day and you this day into My perfect image – it is a new day and I declare to you that your blessing has come.

The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2015

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