Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Father Says Today: May 8th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am in the reclamation business. I am reclaiming territory in your life that the enemy things he holds claim to. The blood of Calvary has sealed the general warranty deed to the promises I have made to you in My word. My claim on your joy and your fullness and your blessing cannot be thwarted or overthrown. Go ahead now and seed your ground. The enemy would say that you need not sow for the land of blessing is not yours. I say to you that you are an inheritor of what I paid for on the cross – go ahead and sow! Sow your seed and know that it will bring forth first the seed, then the corn then the full corn in the ear.

This is a time of seed-fruit-harvest and seed-fruit-harvest and seed-fruit-harvest on an accelerated scale of favor, blessing and provisioning for the vision. Lay not aside your hopes and dreams. In fact why don’t you go ahead and dream a bigger dream for I have so much more planned for you than you have heretofore considered. I am bringing you into the rich soil of faith that will cause the plowman to overtake the reaper and the full measure of that which I have promised to come forth beyond all your expectations. It is who I AM and what I DO and you are the focal point that I am concentrating all My goodness and sovereignty and power. So rejoice!

The Father Says Today: May 8th, 2015

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