Friday, May 2, 2014

The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-01-24 at 12.02.07 PMThe Father says today that you are not intended to be a solitary creature. You are not destined for isolation. I am opening doors for you to live for someone else and you will not be hurt or disappointed. Let go of the bitter memories and know that what I have for you now will put the lie to all that the enemy has said to you in the past. You are loved. You will be loved. You will be showered with affection and sweetness. This is your portion says the Father. You are the beloved and I will cause you to know this and experience in fullness in your earth and in your life.

My love is an everlasting love says the Father. It is not good to be alone therefore you will not be alone. You will not be alone in a crowd and you will not be a mere observer to the joy of others. You will have joy and rejoicing and fulfillment for that I what I promised and I always make good on My word says your Father who loves and looks out for you in every area of life.

The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2014

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